Year in Nature Photography – Day 115

Taking a break from the butterflies. Found another green mantis crawling around. I also failed again to get a shot of any lightning but the sky looks neat. In case I didn’t mention this before, not all “praying” mantids belong to the genus mantis. There are several genera in the mantidae family. They’re able to turn their heads 180 degrees and it’s a true fact that the females will sometimes eat their mates after or during the mating process. So not only do they eat their own on occasion but they’ll eat a variety of other insects that they catch with their front legs that give them the the look of prayer which is where the name praying mantis comes from. Mantis is apparently derivation of a Greek word for “prophet”.

About Keith H.

I am an amateur nature photographer/videographer in the Mid-Atlantic region with a diverse background including music and a Master's in Biology with a passion for environmental awareness. View all posts by Keith H.

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