Year in Nature Photography – Day 128

Day 8 of Arizona backyard photography.

Final day, leaving Tucson. Captured a full moon behind a saguaro the night before. The prickly pear cacti looked rather wrinkly when we first arrived but after the rain the plumped up storing what water they could get. One last picture of the bird of paradise bush. It’s quite remarkable how much life there is in the desert, though in the high parts there is less diversity than in the lower parts and we were in a city. However, as you can see from the aerial pictures, farming is still possible, with lots of circular fields for easier irrigation. I hope to get the chance to head back sometime and maybe see other parts of the desert in this country or elsewhere in the world.

I hope people enjoy the expanded information I’ve provided with the posts from this trip. I’m quite backlogged at this point so the next bunch of posts will not have as much information to them in order to get caught up. I’ve also grouped this trip in a separate sub-category so they can be found again and edited if I learn more.

About Keith H.

I am an amateur nature photographer/videographer in the Mid-Atlantic region with a diverse background including music and a Master's in Biology with a passion for environmental awareness. View all posts by Keith H.

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