Monthly Archives: June 2013

Classic Hikes of the Smokies: Fontana Lake Experience

Fontana Lake Panorama, from near Dam

Fontana Lake Panorama, from near Dam

Friends of the Smokies took an overnight excursion to Fontana Lake, NC June 18/19. I had a wonderful time and despite some rainy weather the first day the weather for our hikes on the second was excellent. I lead a 5 mile back and forth hike along the Lakeshore Trail where I talked about pollinators in celebration of National Pollinator week, which I learned about from my last internship with Pollinator Partnership. Unfortunately there weren’t many wildflowers to see on our hike aside from a few blooming rhododendron, asters, and Striped Pipsissewa, Striped Wintergreen (Chimaphila maculata) (no picture sadly). So this meant that the pollinators weren’t out and about as much as I’d have liked. Still I feel confident that I gave a decent introduction pollinators and maybe spurred some interest!