Monthly Archives: September 2014

More insects and Dragonflies!

Dragonflies are one of my favorite subjects, when they stand still long enough to photograph 😉 I was able to make close guesses on the dragonfly species thanks to the ever helpful Delmarva Dragonflies and Damselflies website, however the damselfly remains a mystery. Heading off for Colorado tomorrow, hoping to get caught up with posting pictures soon!

Catching up with insects and flowers

More pictures from Brandywine Creek State Park. Chicory blossoms were in bloom along the roadsides. Apparently chicory was a substitute for coffee and as a salad green, brought over from Europe. Several different species of insects for which I’ve identified to family at least. As always, plenty more to come!

Valley Forge Take 2

Been awhile since I’ve posted and I’m still playing catch up, especially as I’m about to take a major trip 🙂 That being said I may do a few posts without much text or identification. Today’s post are a few from a second visit to Valley Forge this past spring. Fields of milkweed were blooming, hopefully they’ve seen some monarch butterflies this season, may have to go out and look for caterpillars this weekend. Snapped a picture of the Washington Memorial Chapel which sits besides some beautiful vistas of the park.