Tag Archives: Sphingidae

Year in Nature Photography – Day 118

Not the greatest set of pictures today, and my lenses are in desperate need of cleaning. We had a bunch of isolated thunderstorms come through though, hence the cloud pictures showing my dirty lens. They all seemed to move north and south of our house here, though apparently one produced a tornado down the road from us, fortunately no one was hurt.

Caught this fast moving insect at our flowers but unfortunately it didn’t stay around long enough to get more than the one shot and it just goes to show that you have to just snap a picture while it is there and hope it turns out. This didn’t turn out real well but enough to determine that it was one of the Sphingidae family of moths. Some members of the family like this one, are hummingbird like in their ability to hover while they gather nectar. This adaptation occurs in these moths, hummingbirds, certain bats, hoverflies, servings as an example of convergent evolution. Convergent evolution is the development of similar biological traits in unrelated species. In this case the ability to hover but in general wings are an example of convergent evolution since most birds, insects, etc. have this ability but are totally unrelated.